Bianca Anastasio

Artist Biography

Bianca Anastasio is a graduating senior of college who is from Albany, New York. She is a Photography major at Endicott College, but she started her college career at Hudson Valley Community College where she received her Associates Degree in Individual Studies in Sciences. Her love for photography started when she was younger but became a career option once she went to college. In high school she did not know what she wanted to go to college for and it wasn’t until her mother suggested photography that she thought about turning a hobby she loves into her career. Her passion is landscape photography, and she hopes to travel and experience the beautiful places of the world.

Thesis Abstract

As urbanization continues, the land where undeveloped natural areas have the ability to flourish is reduced. The preservation of open land appears to be less and less of a priority. This photographic project is about representing preserved lands and areas where nature has been confined or limited. I have photographed state and city parks, and beaches as well as urban areas that incorporated nature in some way. 

Through this series of images, I have attempted to show the contrast between nature and the ways in which we experience it. I hope to share awareness of how nature is unable to truly flourish in certain areas and show the beauty of places where it can. People will be reminded of the importance of nature in our society. Each photo shows how nature has adapted to its environment, and how its growth is limited to what the environment allows. Through these images I wanted to highlight how essential it is to preserve as much of our undeveloped environment as possible.