Kayleigh Halasz

Artist Biography

Kayleigh Halasz is a sports photographer from Central Massachusetts who is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Photography at Endicott College. She first developed a love for photography at a young age. Both her grandfathers had a passion for photography keeping photo albums around their house. Whenever they had the chance they would be snapping photos to capture precious memories and events forever. Ever since then she has had a love for photography and knew it was something she wanted to pursue. Over Kayleigh’s four years at Endicott College, she has found her true calling when it comes to photography. Thanks to an amazing athletics department Kayleigh has grown to love Sports photography. She decided to try shooting one game her freshman year and immediately knew it was what she wanted to do. Ever since then, she has worked alongside ECGulls and the rest of the athletics department to grow her portfolio and pursue her dream. Kayleigh is currently pursuing a job in sports photography and hopes to one day be able to photograph the Boston Bruins. Until then she will continue shooting any and every team available to her to better her work even more.

Thesis Abstract

In the world of sports, athletes are often celebrated for their physical prowess and competitive spirit, embodying ideals of strength and resilience. However, beneath the surface of their celebrated achievements lies a less visible and often unspoken struggle with mental health challenges. “You Are More Than Your Sport” explores the pressures faced by athletes we do not see to bring more awareness. My project, which is developed through a combination of photographs and documentary audio, seeks to promote the complex internal struggles of performance anxiety, identity, injury, and mental well-being in the realm of the athletes interviewed. Both pieces of this project are a portrayal, aimed at breaking the stigma surrounding mental health in sports and highlight the importance of psychological support systems for athletes at all levels. My project represents the peak of my academic pursuits as a photographer and a personal exploration inspired by my interactions with athletes who have bravely shared their stories. It is through their vulnerability that this project can bring even more awareness to “the silent killer” known as mental health.