Stella Psiakis

Artist Biography

Stella Psiakis will be graduating from Endicott College in the spring of 2023 with her B.F.A in Interior Architecture and a minor in Business Administration. While at Endicott, Stella was a recipient of the Presidential Art Scholarship in addition to being recognized as an Endicott Scholar. She has been placed on the Dean’s List every semester and will be graduating with one of the highest GPAs in her class. Stella is also a member of the International Art Honor Society Kappa Pi. In the fall of her senior year, Stella passed the first NCIDQ exam and will be working towards receiving her NCIDQ certification upon graduation. Stella has held many leadership roles during her time at Endicott including being an Orientation Leader, SHE Aspires Higher retreat facilitator, Peer Tutor, and Her Campus Graphic Designer. She has completed numerous internships within the design industry and will be working with Kristen Rivoli Interior Design upon graduation. 

Thesis Abstract

Stella first thought about doing her senior thesis on reproductive health care the summer before her senior year. After the Supreme Court ruled to overturn the long-standing Roe v. Wade decision, she realized how detrimental the lack of abortion access in the United States would be. Thus, Stella invested months of research into what reproductive health care was like prior to Roe v. Wade, the ever-changing state laws surrounding abortion access, and how an overturn could lead to patients reverting to unsafe practices once again. She did not want to create a facility that would focus solely on abortions, rather, she wanted to establish a comprehensive center that offered care for patients at any stage in their reproductive health to show that, regardless of their decisions, patients would be supported and protected. What differentiates her project, Fern Reproductive Health, is the addition of on-site therapy and legal services and short-term residential suites for patients who are traveling from out of state for care. It was important to Stella to reduce the stigma surrounding abortions by inviting the community to participate in classes and attend educational presentations or fundraisers. Patient privacy, supportive designs, and physical building security were her top priorities. By incorporating various design theories and solutions to foster healing and a sense of comfort, Fern Reproductive Health provides safe access to reproductive health care while simultaneously supporting every patient through their decisions. 

A holistic reproductive care journey is comprised of educational resources, on-site psychological and legal services, readily available medical exams and labor and delivery appointments, and easy access to abortion services within a facility that is supportive, welcoming, and secure. Fern Reproductive Health is a comprehensive reproductive care center that also offers short-term residential suites for people traveling from out of state for any aspect of reproductive healthcare. 
