Sara Colozzi

Artist Biography

Sara Colozzi is graduating from Endicott College in the Spring of 2023 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture. She has enjoyed her past four years at Endicott in the Interior Architecture program learning all the different areas of design. Sara was so grateful to experience her Junior Year Fall semester abroad in Florence, Italy. She made amazing memories that she will never forget while surrounded by extravagant Italian architecture. In her free time, she loves cooking, art, traveling, and spending time with her friends and family. Sara would like to extend a thank you to her professors, mentors, friends, and family who have supported her through her journey at Endicott.

Thesis Abstract

How can we develop housing for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that provides proper support, inclusivity in the greater community, a better quality of life, and a sense of independence?

Current housing options for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities offer limited accommodations that address adequate care, inclusivity in the community, an emphasis on quality of life, or a greater sense of independence. Since housing today cannot offer the proper support needed, caregivers take on the responsibility of housing their loved one with I/DD into their adult years, raising concern for the future of all parties involved. Research shows that a housing prototype that addresses these inequities for adults with I/DD can bridge these gaps that exist today.