Madison Baker

Artist Biography

Madison is graduating this spring from Endicott with a B.F.A. in interior architecture. She is proud of her academic achievements including being on the Dean’s list and joining Kappa Pi, a new international art honors society. Madison had a great experience learning about hospitality and residential design as an intern at Kirsten Floyd Design in 2019. She also interned at SLAM Collaborative for 9 months in 2022. At SLAM, Madison worked on a higher-education project, organized and managed the materials library, and met with reps to learn about new product launches. Madison has followed her passion for singing by being involved with Echo Acapella and Endicott singers since freshman year. Fall 2021-spring 2022 Madison was the activities coordinator on the ECHO E-Board. Madison has also enjoyed participating in events on campus such as Take Back the Night and Relay for Life. Madison is thankful for the support from her family, friends, internship supervisors, professors, and mentors. Madison is looking forward to her upcoming trip to Sweden with Endicott Singers in May and to start a career in the interior architecture industry.

Thesis Abstract

Madison’s thesis project The University of Hartford Center for Empowerment and Change is inspired by her and her peers’ experience living on a college campus. Student centers or unions have historically been an environment for students to not only have fun but provide an outlet for wellness. 

In her research, Madison found that colleges are failing to provide successful opportunities to address issues on campus. Often, students have to protest or reach out in large groups to be recognized by the administration. An example of this includes a student protest at the University of Pittsburg after a female student got assaulted. Students believed that the school wasn’t doing their best to make the campus safe after the incident. 

An important topic in her research is the current problems facing college students such as mental health issues, discrimination, financial struggles, and forming friendships with students. Another topic is the lack of support and success students have with freedom of expression on campus. In her research, she found that students believed that a majority of faculty members would not take their concerns seriously. 

Madison used three design theories in her research. Humanistic theory values looking at the whole person and emphasizes how people have free will and the ability to be motivated to achieve their potential. Place attachment explains how an emotional bond is formed between a person and a place. Communal activism is a united movement of change that involves awareness, attentive listening, and critical thinking. Universal design and a connection to nature are also important components of Madison’s project.

The program for the student center includes the campus activity department, private and open study spaces, a cafe, gym, counseling center, tutoring center, movie theater, video game room, craft room, and game rooms. The student government office, student planning rooms, and the presentation room are the key empowerment and change spaces. Students can gather to discuss ideas and concerns they have and schedule discussions or presentations with help from the student government. There are several kiosks located throughout the student center as well as a phone app for students to submit and vote on ideas. Students have the choice to submit any ideas and concerns anonymously if they feel uncomfortable. All students and faculty will receive alerts to attend meetings and presentations. The design has a natural color palette that creates a soothing effect on users.

Research shows that when students have spaces that allow them to explore their interests, and ideas and socialize, it positively benefits their mental health, and results in them thriving academically, as they feel more supported. Thus, imagining a student center that empowers students to have freedom of expression.

How can student centers improve life on campus by empowering freedom of expression and transparency among the student body?
