Leah Grill

Artist Biography

Leah is graduating this spring with a BFA in Interior Architecture. During her time at Endicott, she has earned a spot on the Dean’s List every semester and has been a part of the art honor society Kappa Pi. She was also the creative director for ECAD (Endicott College Architecture and Design Club) and a member of the student-run dance club EDGE (Endicott Dance Group for Everyone). Taking on the role of a choreographer, Leah has performed in numerous dance shows and is grateful to have continued her love for dance in college. Her passion for travel also grew after studying abroad in Florence, Italy during her junior year. Additionally, Leah has completed three internships, working in both the residential and commercial design fields. She aspires to work at a commercial design firm and hopes to work in the hospitality sector post-graduation.

Thesis Abstract

Leah’s thesis was inspired by her passion for dance and the realities of the dance industry. She grew up dancing, starting with it as a hobby and it slowly became more competitive for her. There are many reasons why so many people dance. Dancing promotes flexibility, balance, reduces stress, and improves memory and creativity. Dance is an art form, sport, hobby, and a great form of exercise. The dance world is unique because it can be both competitive and beautiful. The dance community is relatively small and the professional side of it is often misunderstood. There is a lot of pressure being a dancer as they are a unique group of performers. Their mental wellness, physical health, and careers should be centered around their needs. Leah’s experience within the industry led to her idea of creating an environment that makes people want to dance again in healthier ways without pressure. As her personal dance journey comes to an end after college, she wishes for a place like this to be able to continue her passion for dance and wellness in a recreational and encouraging atmosphere. Leah combined her appreciation for dance and hospitality design to create Leap Wellness Center for Dancers. Featuring guest rooms for users to stay, a gym, private dance studios, mediation rooms, counseling, physical therapy, and a spa, Leap allows opportunities to recover, learn, and grow as dancers along their individual journeys. 

The environment in which dancers are brought up needs to better foster their health. There are not enough resources for them to pursue their passions or careers comfortably. Dancers should feel welcome to get help and assistance in exploring future options. By promoting growth and healing, dancers will then be able to enjoy dance again in a healthy way or be able to successfully go through an inevitable career transition with encouragement and security.

Portfolio: https://issuu.com/leahgrilldesignportfolio/docs/portfolio
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/leahgrill11