Emily Smith

Artist Biography

Emily Smith is soon to be graduating from Endicott College with a BFA in Interior Architecture. Throughout her time at Endicott, Emily has been consistently placed on the Dean’s list; further, they have been inducted as a member of the academic honor society Kappa Pi. Beyond studying Interior Architecture these past four years, Emily has had the privilege of exploring her other passions such as photography, fine arts, social justice and graphic design through additional coursework and extracurricular activities at the college. After graduation, Emily looks forward to taking time to travel and gather inspiration for their next projects, and subsequently use it to fuel the beginnings of a career in commercial design and a future Masters of Architecture degree. 

Thesis Abstract

Since Emily was young, they have been outspoken about their support for the LGBTQ+ community, of which she and many of her loved ones identify as a part. When the Boston Pride organization disbanded in 2020, she felt the rift throughout the community and saw its effects on culture and perception; recognizing the importance of strong institutions in support of the community. A growing interest in solutions for social housing and cultural institutions through her education and experiences furthered her thesis topic, as Emily discerned the continuing struggles of community members in these ‘revolutionary’ environments due to a lack of truly universal design considerations. The realization that these modern and seemingly equitable design solutions are still not adequately considering the needs of marginalized communities gave way to Marsha’s Place: born as a guaranteed safe, thoughtful, and proud space. Her official thesis proposal is as follows: 

“The LGBTQ+ community is still fighting for civil rights and equal treatment around the globe. Despite great legislative and social victories in more recent years thanks to the revolutionary efforts of the community members and allies, there is still a long way to go. Discrimination is still faced in every corner of the world, causing the community to be disproportionately disjointed and live with caution. By building up a physical pillar of support featuring a social residential community coupled with educational and cultural resources and unconditional hospitality, the LGBTQ+ community will have a safe space and become better united whilst strengthening and spreading the fight for equality. Connections amongst all will grow and harmony will be created  through the design of a universal, inclusive social space for LGBTQ+ peoples, allies and beyond.”