Ashley Lauzier

Artist Biography

Ashley is graduating in the spring of 2023 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture. Over the course of four years, she has developed a strong passion for the built environment and the natural environment around her. She completed three internships, all in different sectors of design; workplace design, residential design, and most recently hospitality design. From growing up in southern Massachusetts, all of these experiences have been in or near the greater Boston area, but after a recent road trip, her sights may be set on experiencing other areas and countries. Outside of school, she loves to make time for herself and be active in nature. When she is home with her family, she can relax with her two dogs and cat and make time for her friends. Her path after graduation is still unsure, but she will either be continuing her education by going for her master’s degree or being promoted from her internship to a junior designer at Parker-Torres Design.

Thesis Abstract

There is a stigma surrounding how men should be perceived in society, which leads to there being fewer resources and bigger issues among men and their mental health. This shows the need to encourage and support men to seek help with issues surrounding their mental health. Additional pressing issues men are facing that all connect and affect one another is the struggle with substance abuse and PTSD. Connecting the accomplishments of past events in a space they will now be occupying will encourage the men to reach their potential and overcome their struggles in a comforting environment. All of these factors lead to the question; How can a once-valued site be reused to help destigmatize men needing help and resources?