Matthew Gash-Gilder

Artist Biography

There are many aspects of color that can affect human life. The visual aspects of Color can affect people both physically and psychologically. This includes human senses like taste and vision. Research shows that color can predetermine how people will perceive taste and flavor.  Color can also influence decision making in a psychological way. A negative color like red will produce an undesirable action, while a positive color such as green will lead to positive action. Throughout history color has influenced people in mythical and spiritual ways. In ancient civilizations, it was common thought that certain items that have a specific color could have a range of medicinal or spiritual properties. These properties included being able to change the weather, or curing illnesses. These items mainly included objects that are found in nature like animals or plants. 

My fascination with color also originates in nature. The connection I have made between color and nature is rooted in my home state of Montana. Vast forests and deep lakes that Montana’s nature offers plays important roles in my work. I also grew up learning about carpentry with my dad which contributed to the creation of the current body of work.


Thesis Abstract

The three main topics of research that are discussed in my thesis paper are the history of color psychology, colors’ influence on humans, and the psychology of the five colors I used in my sculptures. The materials I used for my sculptures were MDF, clay, insulation board, house paint, two part epoxy, and LED lights. I would first cut and shape my materials. I would paint then paint the shapes before I assembled them so I could avoid trying to paint awkward angles. This process resulted in five wall mounted sculptures that are all painted their own color. These sculptures are also back lit with their same color. What I have learned throughout this process will be discussed in this paper. This will include things that I learned about the limitations of certain materials, as well as the difficulty I had with certain projects that I did not see being an issue at the beginning of this journey.