Lillian Hakkila

Artist Biography

Lillian Hakkila was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts and has lived here all her life. She is graduating Endicott College in May 2021 with a BFA in Interior Architecture. After graduation, her goal is to work in a city at an international company, as she has hopes to one day work abroad. Lillian has focused her thesis research on a topic that means a lot to her. During a difficult time in her life Lillian found solace in Korean music. Music where she did not even speak the language, but she found comfort in the fact that the music could mean what she needed it to mean. Today, Lillian continues to listen to that music, but finds it extremely difficult to interact with the culture. Design has impact on how people live their lives, so Lillian created a transportable Korean cultural center that could bring the culture around the country. That way everyone can experience all it has to offer, and, in the process, people can become more open‐minded about new cultures.

Thesis Abstract

Port Korea is a transportable, Korean cultural center. The goal is to form cross cultural relationships built on acceptance and awareness, by designing an accessible, authentic Korean cultural experience. This will be accomplished through direct interaction and a transformative learning experience with Korean Culture. The experience will be defined by incorporating a performance space, retail space, interactive space, and a restaurant space.