Isabella Fitman

Artist Biography

Isabella Fitman will be graduating in the spring with a BFA in Interior Architecture. After discovering her passion for interior design at her vocational high school, she decided to pursue a career and an education in interior design at Endicott College. After finding another passion for health and fitness through the Covid-19 pandemic, Isabella decided to bring both passions together. Following a project completed in a Nutrition course, Isabella decided to bring the benefits of a sustainable, healthier lifestyle to the low income population that felt secure and achievable. In designing the 6:10 Table, she was able to bring an increased connection to nature as well as education and community support into the lives of low income families and individuals of all ages.

Digital Portfolio:

Digital Senior Thesis Boards:

Thesis Abstract

Resources provided to the classified low income population in America such as SNAP, WIC and food aid programs such as TFP, create unrealistic “healthy” food budgets that do not reflect a realistic representation of the American or cultural norms. Because of these systematic flaws, education on nutrition is distorted and low income families and individuals feel as though healthy diets and habits do not fit into their lifestyles. Receiving proper education as well as access to the tools and resources needed to create achievable, healthy habits and meals that suit the lifestyles of these individuals and families can help break the high numbers in obesity, as well as enhance the lifestyles of these families. A community space where resources such as cooking classes, easy access to nutritious foods, after school programs for children and recreational activities will help provide these families with the security and support they need to achieve healthier lifestyle habits.